20 October 2021
Reading time: 2 min
Saving 3 lives in 30 minutes?
That's a bloody good idea!
Swiftcourt’s headquarter is located in beautiful Malmö, Sweden and most of our team members live here or nearby. When we heard about the Swedish organization GeBlod’s (direct translation: GiveBlood's) initiative “Rädda liv på arbetstid” (save lives during work hours), we didn’t hesitate to join in.
What “joining in” means is encouraging all Swiftcourtians to go and donate blood during office hours. Apparently, one of the most common reasons for people not donating blood is that they simply lack the time. We don’t think that’s a very good reason, so we’re eliminating the time factor for our team.
Donating blood takes no more than 30 minutes and a single donation can save three lives. Seriously! Three lives in under 30 minutes! Being an actual hero suddenly feels well within reach, and the only cost is a little bit of time and effort.
In July 2019, 40% of our team joined forces to go and donate blood. That’s a pretty impressive number, considering only 3% of Swedes between the ages of 18-74 are blood donors. We’ve done it before, and we’ll do it again!
As a final note, we encourage you to sign your company up as well! It’s a bloody good thing to do!