Service Status

Current Service Status

We aim for our services to be 100% available 100% of the time. But sometimes things go wrong. When they do, you can follow the current status updates here. Our dedicated Development Team will do their best to resolve any issues as quickly as possible, and to keep you updated on their progress.

There's a disturbance in the force

Service Status
Green circle
Incident icon
Add-on services
Green circle
Other Green circle
Illustrated woman concerned
Nordea - Major Outage Affected services Affected markets

We have been notified by Tink that they have identified an issue affecting all payment services including open banking transactions with Nordea. If you are in the process of transferring a purchase sum to the escrow account, please use an account from another bank or try again later. Contact our support if you have any questions.

September 19th 10:21

Payment service


Nordea - Major Outage Affected services Affected markets

We have been notified by Tink that they have identified an issue affecting all payment services including open banking transactions with Nordea. If you are in the process of transferring a purchase sum to the escrow account, please use an account from another bank or try again later. Contact our support if you have any questions.

September 19th 12:59

Payment service


Past outages

September 16th 2024, 12:37

FIXED - Swedbank - Major outage

Tink reported that they have identified an issue affecting open banking transactions with Swedbank. Tink has reported that this issue has been resolved now.

September 18th 2024, 09:15

FIXED - Sparebank group - Major outage

Tink reported technical issues regarding banks within Sparebank group that could affect open-banking payments. Tink has reported that this issue has been resolved now.

June 3rd 2024, 10:15

FIXED - Issues ordering addon services

Some Norwegian users experieced issues ordering addon services over the weekend as they were wrongly asked to re-confirm their phone number. This issue has now been resolved, and we apologize for any inconvenience caused. If you tried to order an addon service this weekend without success we ask you to contact us and we will manually send in your order.

June 3rd 2024, 10:10

FIXED - Nordea Norway technical difficulties

Nordea in Norway had technical difficulties on their side spanning the 29th to 30th of May. Since then we have received word that most of these should be resolved and have been able to confirm that we can see transactions go through again. Hence, you should be able to use your bank account located in Noreda Norway together with our payment service as usual. Please reach out to our support if you are still having issues.

May 29th 2024, 16:55

FIXED - Support Chat Temporarily unavailable

Users can contact us again via the support button on our website. The reason for the problem was that our support chat provider Intercom was experiencing issues with their service. If you tried to get support on the 28nd of May but didn't reach through,please reach out to our support.

May 28th 2024, 09:52

FIXED - No PDF Contracts generated for fully signed Norwegian contracts

PDFs of fully signed Norwegian contracts are now being generated again. The issue was conatained to contracts signed between approximately 21:30 and 22:15 on Monday 27 May. These PDFs should now be available.

March 18th 2024, 09:55

FIXED: Broken autofill function on contracts

We received reports that contracts created through didn't automatically fill out the contract fields that should retrieve information from the marketplace ad on This was due to an update on FINN's side, and on April 15th we could confirm that the issues were resolved. Contracts created after April 15th should properly collect information from the marketplace ad, once again.

March 28th 2024, 12:06

FIXED: Broken buttons for iPhone users

Around lunch time on March 28th we discovered that some buttons within our contract service didn't work for iPhone users. Our developers quickly found a solution and deployed a bug fix. According to our information this problem should now be solved. If you're still encountering problems on an iPhone device, please reach out to our support.

March 12th 2024, 14:08

FIXED: Technical disturbance for PDF generation

After a system update, our PDF generation system stopped working and consequently made the PDF copy and signing certificate of contracts unavailable. As soon as we found out, our developers reverted the update that caused the problem. All users that signed a contract during this time frame should have had their PDF copy and signing certificate made available later the same day. Please contact our support if you have any questions or need assistance.

February 22nd 2024, 10:34

FIXED: Technical disturbance for live chat support

Our live chat support service provider was experiencing technical disturbances, that severely affected our ability to help our customers with their inquiries. If you tried to get support on the 22nd of February but didn't reach through, please try again now.

Note: We only show past outages that have occurred in the last 6 months.